User's Manual

Enrollment Station Installation Instructions
To operate the Enrollment Station simply connect power and connect it to your PC as shown in the diagrams in the following sections.
Once it’s connected to your PC you are now ready to enroll your cards using the Hub Manager Professional PC software. Please refer
the Hub Manager Professional documentation for further details regarding software operation. When data is transmitting between the
PC and the Enrollment station the yellow and green transmit and receive LED's blink rapidly.
Connecting the Transformer to the Enrollment Station
The Enrollment Station is shipped with a 12VDC, 300mA plug-in transformer. To power the unit just plug the connector from the
transformer into the power jack on the Enrollment Station. Then plug the transformer into a 120VAC wall outlet. If the unit is
powered properly the red LED at the top turns on solid.
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Figure 1: Connecting the Transformer to the Enrollment Station