User's Manual

Chapter 3 Performing Capsule Endoscopy
3- 6
3.4 Patient Preparation
Provide the patient with the following instructions to prepare for the
capsule endoscope procedure.
3.4.1 Patient Preparation
One day prior to the capsule endoscope procedure
- Lunch: Patient can have a normal mean around noon, followed
by a liquid diet as instructed by the physician.
- The patient should fast for at least 12 hours prior to the
procedure. Patient may only drink water (no food or other
beverages such as milk or coffee).
- The patient should not take any medications two hours before
ingesting the capsule endoscope.
- Male patients may need to shave area, as advised by
physician or nurse.
- Patient should stop taking iron supplements 1 week before the
capsule endoscope procedure, and should not ingest any
medicine at least 2 hours prior to the procedure.
- Diabetic patients need to follow any changes to insulin dosage
as prescribed by the physician.
- Physician is recommended to prescribe patient a laxative such
as PEG or Sodium Phosphate. Patient should ingest laxative
12 hours prior to procedure.
- Physician is recommended to prescribe patient an anti-foaming
agent (such as simethicone), to reduce bubbles in the GI tract.
This should be ingested after the laxative.
- The patient should abstain from smoking 12 hours before the
- On the day of the capsule endoscope test, the patient should
wear comfortable and loose cloths. One-piece clothing should
not be worn.
- Prior to the procedure, do not apply any lotions or perfumes.
On the day of capsule endoscope procedure
- After arriving in a hospital at the appointed time, the patient
should submit an examination permission form and check in.
After ingesting capsule endoscope
- The patient should refrain from taking any food or drink two
hours after ingesting the MiroCam® capsule endoscope. Water
is permitted after two hours.