User's Manual

Chapter 2 System Overview
Page 19
2.1 MiroCam® Overview
is an orally ingested capsule endoscope designed to capture
images of the small intestine lining. Captured images are viewed via the
software for diagnosis of diseases related to the small
intestine. Generally, the capsule endoscope has been developed to
provide a means to view the entire small bowel, with much higher
diagnostic sensitivity than other radiological techniques. Further, the
capsule endoscope avoids a great deal of discomfort associated with
traditional endoscopy, while allowing the patient to maintain a normal
Additional methods for screening of the small bowel primarily include
barium x-rays and enteroscopy, but the diagnostic value of these tests for
a wide variety of specific lesions is low. Following is further description of
the methods.
Enteroscopy is a method to perform direct visual inspection of the small
bowel mucosa beyond the reach of standard upper endoscopes. The
procedure can be accomplished of the small by examination with either
push or sonde type endoscopes, or operative enteroscopy. Enteroscopy
of the small intestine is difficult, requires a lengthy examination time, can
only partially visualize the small intestine, is extremely uncomfortable,
and is not performed on a widespread basis.
Barium X-rays of the small bowel are currently the primary radiographic
means of diagnosing a small bowel neoplasm, and the best way to locate
small bowel lesions. However, the procedure has limited sensitivity.