User's Manual

System Overview Chapter 2
Page 22
Step 2. Data transmission: The MiroCam capsule transmits the data
from the capsule via E-Field Propagation. This communication method
uses the human body as the medium to transmit signals from internally
within the body (from the capsule) to external sensors (data cable
sensor pads).
Step 3. Data Reception and Storage: To retrieve the signal emitted
from the capsule, the MiroCam system needs to attach reception poles
(sensors attached to data cables) on the exterior of the human body to
retrieve the signal. The signal is then changed into a data format that is
feasible for image processing, and stored onto the memory of the
Step 4. Data Upload: The image data is uploaded from the receiver to
the MiroView software (software on a PC workstation) via a standard
USB data cable. This data is uploaded after the patient has completed
the procedure (i.e. sensor pads / data cables are not attached to
Step 5. Image Restoration & Display: After all stored image data in
the receiver has been transferred to the image processing software
(MiroView), the software changes the transferred image data by using
an image reconstruction algorithm to a RGB signal. The reconstructed
image data is saved along with patient information, and viewed by the
physician to diagnose diseases of the small bowel. MiroView can
recall the saved data anytime, as the user desires to perform a
diagnostic review of the patient images.