User's Manual

Chapter 2 System Overview
Page 25
individual components.
Signal input block includes 9 channel connectors and a
Analog block has an amplifier and filter for analog to digital
conversion. This converts the image data transmitted by the
Digital control block includes a digital image processing unit
and demodulation unit. This block also saves the data.
All image data is saved to flash memory and transferred to
image processing workstation by USB channel
The receiver is divided into a restoration part that restores
the actual data, and a transmitter part that transmits the
image data to MiroView. More specifically, the receiver
can be divided into the receiving block, signal input block,
analog block, digital block, storage block and USB
transmission block. After processing the converted signals,
the digital block demodulates image data and saves it. The
saved data is then transferred to MiroView™ software (on a
PC) via the USB transmission module.
Receiver Power Source: The MiroCam receiver operates via a
battery, completely independent of any other power sources.
The receiver of the MiroCam® capsule endoscope system includes
amplifier and filter components, which convert the image data
transmitted by the capsule. The receiver
is divided into a restoration
part that restores the actual data, and a transmitter part that
transmits the image data to MiroView™. More specifically, the
receiver can be divided into the receiving block, signal input block,
analog block, digital block, storage block and USB transmission