User's Manual

Safety Information Chapter 1
1- 4
1.2 Symbols for Safety
This section describes a set of symbols that the IEC (International
Electrotechnical Commission) has established for medical electronic
equipment to classify connections and warnings of any potential hazards.
IEC 348: Notice for the user to pay special attention to the
following details
IEC 878-02-03: Indicates that this is classified into Type BF
EN 980: Denotes Date of Manufacture
EN 980: Denotes Address of Manufacture
IEC60601, ANNEX D: Denotes β€œON” status of main power
IEC60601, ANNEX D: Denotes β€œOFF” status of main power
EN 980: Denotes serial number
IEC 417-5031: Denotes DC (Direct Current)
IEC 417-5032: Denotes AC (Alternating Current)
Denotes Ampere, the unit of current
Denotes Volt, the unit of Voltage
Denote Hertz, the unit of Frequency
IEC 417-5021: Denotes potential equalization terminal
Single Use Only
Use by date