User's Manual

Chapter 4 Using MiroView
4- 8
4.1.4 MiroViewKeyboard shortcuts
List Screen
<<F5>> Refresh List
or Mouse Wheel Move the cursor up / down the list
<<Enter>> Select a file from the list to review
<<Home>> Go to first page of patient files
<<END>> Go to last page of patient files
<< PGUP>> Move 1 page in direction of older files
<<PGDN>> Move 1 page in direction of newer files
<<CTRL>> + << PGUP>> Move 10 pages in direction of older files
<<CTRL>> + <<PGDN>> Move 10 pages in direction of newer files
Review Screen
(While Playing)
Start / Pause video while in play mode
Increase Frame-rate
Decrease Frame-rate
Mouse Wheel Move forward / backward frame by frame
<<CTRL>> +
Skip forward / backward to next ten
captured images.
<<CTRL>> +
<<direction arrows>> or
<<CTRL>>+ mouse wheel
Move to previous / next captured image
<<LShift>> + /
(LShift+ wheel up/dn)
Move to the previous/next sub-captured
<<CTRL>>+<<+>> Expand to display all sub-captured
<<CTRL>>+<<->> Hide all sub-captured images.