User's Manual

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MiroCam®, 0LUR9LHZ, IntroMedic, and the associated logos are the
registered trademarks RUWUDGHPDUNVof IntroMedic Co., Ltd. © IntroMedic
Co., Ltd. July 2007.
Except as required by applicable copyright laws; any use of the IntroMedic
trademarks, or any reprinting, reproduction, modification, referencing and
translations of the User Manual, without the prior written approval of
IntroMedic Co., Ltd. is strictly prohibited.
Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this User
Manual is accurate, and is believed to be correct at time of printing.
IntroMedic reserves the right to change any content contained with this User
Manual without prior notice.
IntroMedic Co., Ltd. warrants the product against defects in material and
workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of sale, unless
different local regulations apply. IntroMedic Co., Ltd. will repair or replace
products that are ascertained by IntroMedic to have defects during the
warranty period. IntroMedic Co., Ltd. is not liable for the defects occurred by
misuse, careless handling, unauthorized modifications or erroneous use, or
any use that is non-compliant with instructions detailed within this User
Manual. This includes use of the product in non-appropriate locations or
conditions. Any other warranties are neither represented here nor recognized
by implication.
To validate the warranty, please complete product registration with the local
authorized IntroMedic distributor.