User's Manual Part 1

da Vinci
CAUTION: Inadvertent electrosurgical energy may cause serious injury or surgical
complications to the patient. It is important to ensure a full understanding of the
da Vinci Surgical System energy user interface and use caution when working near
critical anatomy.
CAUTION: The Intuitive Surgical monopolar electrosurgical instruments are designed
for use with a maximum peak voltage of 3kV (6kV peak-to-peak). Do not use settings on
the ESU that exceed a 3kV peak. Do not attempt to use the footswitch on the Surgeon
Console with ESUs that are not compatible with the da Vinci Si System. Consult with your
Intuitive Surgical representative regarding compatible models. A table in the
Instruments and Accessories User Manual lists compatible generators, modes and
maximum power settings to stay below the 3kV peak limit.
CAUTION: Electrosurgery may produce interference with internal or external
pacemakers. Electrosurgery may cause these devices to enter an asynchronous mode or
may inhibit pacemaker operation entirely. Consult the pacemaker manufacturer for
further information when using electrosurgery in patients with cardiac pacemakers.
CAUTION: Always check the cables, ESU, and instruments for insulation damage and
proper function before use.
CAUTION: To avoid inadvertent thermal damage to surrounding tissue and other
hazards, observe the following.
Ensure that the dispersive electrode is securely affixed to the patient, placed as close as
possible to the operating field, and properly connected to the ESU.
For monopolar instruments, always use the lo
est output setting that achieves the
desired surgical effect while staying within 3kV maximum peak voltage. Maximum power
levels to stay below this limit are listed in a table in the Instruments and Accessories User
Do not deliberately or unintentionally use one instrument to energize other endoscopic
nts. Energizing other endoscopic instruments may cause tissue damage inside
or outside the field of view. This damage could occur at points near the tip or at the port
site (cannula) of the energized instrument.
Secure and route the ESU cable to the Intuitive Sur
ical Instrument to prevent cable
damage and unintended disconnection.
Keep patient from coming in contact with grounded metal parts.
Place any monitoring electrodes as far as possible from the surgical electrodes or the
e electrode when high frequency (HF) surgical equipment and physiological
monitoring equipment are used simultaneously on the same patient.
Do not use flammable anesthetics or oxidizing gases such as nitrous oxide and oxygen.
Use only non-flammable agents for cleaning and disinfecting. If flammable agents are
used f
r cleaning or disinfecting or as solvents, they must be allowed to evaporate before
application of HF energy.
CAUTION: Make certain that the ESU audible output can be heard by the operating
surgeon during ESU use with the da Vinci Si System.