User's Manual

User Manual
XC2907-A Portable Reader
9.3.1 Signal interference problem
Signal interference refers to the RF signal bringing interference upon the
information exchange between portable reader and electronic tag. Signal
interference can severely reduce the ability of portable reader in reading
electronic tag data information.
Interference signal can be from
RF system, such as: RF local-area network and adjacent interactive
identication system;
RF signal radiated by safety door, garage door or other devices;
Other RF radiation source.
If RF interference or noise exists, the performance of portable reader system
(data information exchange with electronic tag) will reduce signicantly.
Portable reader can only "receive" one signal at any time. It can't distinguish the
unexpected "noise" and expected "useful RF signal".
9.3.2 Information attenuation / reection
Information attenuation refers to the natural attenuation of signal strength with
the increase of distance, and can refer to the attenuation of signal caused by
barrier in transmission path.
RF signal transmission obstacles may be caused by:
Conned space containing concrete wall, oor and ceiling;
Metal surface by centering on antenna or tag;
Water or other liquids by centering on antenna or tag;
Almost every kind of object (furniture or partition) in RF signal transmission
path will cause dierent degrees of signal attenuation. The RF signal attenuation
caused by barrier can be minimized by carefully adjusting the installation
location of antenna.
The reection formed on the surface of metal or metallization behind the
electronic tag may also inuence the signal attenuation. In some cases, such
inuence could slightly increase the read range, and would also form some dead
angles in the reading area. When electronic tag is located at position of those
dead angles, the communication between it and portable reader will become very
9. Daily maintenance and troubleshooting