User's Manual

Users Manual to XCRF-502E Reader
Internal use.only. Any transmission is not
allowed without permission.
1. Read Single Tag
The test includes read ID of a tag, read partial data of a specified
electronic tag’s memory, and read all the data of a specified electronic
tag’s memory.
2. Read Multiple Tag
The test includes read ID of multiple electronic tags, and read the
data of multiple specified electronic tags’ memories.
5.5.2 Write Tag
1. Write Single Tag
Read a tag’s ID, update the data at specified position of an
electronic tag’s memory, update all the data of an electronic tag’s
memory, and test write-protect.
2. Write Multiple Tag
Read multiple tags’ ID, update the data at specified positions of
multiple electronic tags’ memories, update all the data of multiple
electronic tags’ memories, and test write-protect.
5.5.3 Read Distance
Use test of read single tag to test a single tag’s read range, and
help adjust the installation location and inclination (striking) angle the
Reader's antenna. The test of read distance can be performed either
from the near to the distant, or from the distant to the near.