User Manual

Philips 868 User Guide
Page 19 of 89
Example: how to enter the word "home"
1. Press 4】【6】【6】【3. The screen display the first word of a list: good.
2. Press4 to scroll and select home.
3. PressOKto confirm the selection of he word home.
Basic text input
If you wish to access the basic text input, press [*]. This method requires multiple key presses
to reach the desired character: the letter “h” is the second letter on the [4] key, so you must
press it twice to enter “h”.
Example: how to enter the word “home”:
Press [4], [4] (GHI) [6], [6], [6] (MNO), [6](MNO), [3], [3] (DEF) Press [OK] when the message
is completed.OK】键确认编辑完成。
During the input process, you can short press [0] to shift case or long press [0] to enter “0”, or
press [#] to access a table of symbols and punctuations.
Letters, numbers and symbols are located on each key as follows:
Numeric key Shor press Long press
space . , @ / : ; “ ` ! ¡ ? ¿# + - * = % <> ( ) & £ $ ¥
abc2 2
def3 3
ghi4 4
jkl5 5
Mno6 6
Pqrs7 7
tuv8 8
wxyz9 9
Shift case 0