User Manual

Philips 868 User Guide
Page 44 of 89
Save as template: to save the current draft MMS message as an MMS template.
Save objects: to save the objects contained in the current draft MMS message.
Sent stores all the send messages (including SMS and MMS messages), displayed in a list
with different icons for type indication. You can press the left soft key [Options] to access the
following options.
The following options are available for sent message list screen:
Open: the read/play the selected message.
Send: to resend the selected message.
Forward: to forward the selected message. Message can be edited before sending.
Delete: to delete the selected message.
Details: to view the detailed information of the selected message.
Delete all: toe delete all in messages in Inbox.
The following options are available for browse screens of sent SMS messages:
Delete: to delete the current SMS message.
Forward: to forward the current SMS message. The message can be edited before sending.
Save as template: to save the current SMS message as a SMS template.
Details: to view the detailed information about the current SMS message.
The following options are available for browser screens of sent MMS messages:
Play: to play the current MMS message.
Page down: to go to the next page of the current MMS message.
Page up: to to go to the previous page of the current MMS message.
Delete: to delete the current MMS message.
Forward: to forward the selected message. Message can be edited before sending.
Save as template: to save the current MMS message as an MMS template.
Save objects: to save the objects contained in the current MMS message.
Details: to view the detailed information of the current MMS message.
Template stores all the message templates (including SMS templates and MMS templates),
displayed in a list with different icons for type indication. You can press the left soft key