User's Manual

Get sample Books
Support Books copied from SD cards and from your computer
Support Adobe eBooks transferred from Adobe Digital Edition
DRM-free Books downloaded from web browser
Manage and read Books
Your Books, Newspapers and Magazines must be stored in the \
eBooks folder of the internal storage or in an \eBooks folder at the
root of a SD card.
Book, Newspaper and Magazine formats supported: EPUB and
Overview of Buying & Downloading Barnes & Noble Media
This is an overview only of the buying and downloading procedures.
Complete instructions for each step begin after the overview.
Tap the Barnes & Noble application icon.
Tap the B&N Bookstore tab.
The rst time, you are prompted for your Barnes & Noble login information
if you did not enter it during the initial device setup.
If you have an existing account, tap into the entry elds to enter your
Barnes & Noble account email address and password Sign In.
Or to register a new account, tap Create an Account, and then enter all
required user information.
Your login information is stored so you are not required to enter
the login information when selecting the B&N Bookstore or B&N
Library later.