User's Manual

Buy Periodicals
1. Tap the Barnes & Noble application icon B&N
Bookstore tab.
2. Tap Select category Favorites Newspapers or Magazines.
3. Tap
Subscribe Now or Buy Current Issue on the desired periodical
tap Yes to con rm the purchase.
4. Single issues can be downloaded to the device immediately.
5. To download subscriptions, wait several minutes after your
purchase, and then tap the
B&N Library tab to download.
If the recently purchased subscription periodical is not listed, tap
the re-sync icon.
Auto Download of Periodical Issues
If you have purchased subscriptions to periodicals, you can set up an
automatic daily check for new issues.
1. Tap the
Barnes & Noble application icon B&N
Bookstore or B&N Library tab.
2. Press
3. Tap
Enable Periodical No ca on to turn on.
4. Tap the
+ and AM/PM to set the desired time each day you want
the auto check to occur.
5. Tap
6. If new periodical issues are found when the auto check is activated,
you are prompted to download the issue(s).
If you are not connected to a Wi-Fi network when the auto check
is activated, you are advised that the periodical noti cation failed