User's Manual

3. Only the matching media les are displayed.
4. To exit the search mode, tap Category: Favorites select
desired category (default All).
Delete or Archive Media in B&N Library
To help manage the media that’s displayed in the B&N Library, you
can delete or archive older media (i.e., old newspapers or magazines).
Touch & hold on a media listing
tap Delete or Archive Yes to
con rm.
Sample books cannot be archived.
Unarchive Media
To unarchive media les, tap Category Archive touch & hold on
a media listing
Unarchive Yes. The media is added back into
your B&N Library.
Lend/Return Books
There are some books that Barnes & Noble classi es as “lendable”,
which allows Barnes & Noble users to loan books to each other. This
means that you can loan books from your B&N Library to your friends,
and likewise, you can borrow books from your friends.
Please be aware of the following considerations before loaning or
borrowing any books:
To loan a book, the recipient must have a Barnes & Noble account.
To download a borrowed book, you must have a valid credit card
number assigned to your Barnes & Noble account.
The book can only be loaned once. However, if the recipient rejects
your offer, you can lend it to someone else after it is returned to
The book can only be loaned for 14 days, at which time it is
automatically returned to the lender if it was not returned by then.
Only one copy of a book can be read at a time. Therefore, the
lender does not have access to the book until after it has been
returned from the recipient.
To unlock and open a borrowed book, the recipient may be
required to provide the default credit card name and number that is