User's Manual

Applica ons > Unknown sources.
App Market - SAM (Slide
Q: Do I need a Slide
account to download applications?
A: You can download FREE applications without an account. However,
you must have an account to purchase applications.
Q: What kind of applications are available from the Slide
A: There are thousands of applications categorized by type (i.e., Fun &
Games, Entertainment, Educational, etc.). And new applications are
added to the market daily.
Q: Does every application listed in the market work on my device?
A: All may not, even though the compatibility seems to match. Some
applications have been created for phones and require buttons that
your device does not have.
Q: How do I nd the instructions/rules for running an application I’ve
downloaded to my device?
A: Most applications have a built-in Help le to instruct and answer your
Barnes & Noble Application
Q: Do I need an account with Barnes & Noble to download from their
A: You need an account and free or purchased media in your Barnes &
Noble online library before you can download to the device.
Q: How do I sign into my Barnes & Noble account on the device?
A: The rst time you tap the B&N Bookstore or B&N Library tabs, you are
prompted for your Barnes & Noble login information.
Q: Can I sign in with multiple Barnes & Noble accounts to download
to my device?
A: Yes, however you can only be signed into one account at a time and
only the media downloaded from the current account is displayed in
My Library. If you sign out of an account, the downloaded media is
removed from My Library.
Q: How do I purchase media from Barnes & Noble?
A: In the B&N Bookstore, scroll through the media listings and tap on the
Buy Now button on the desired media.