User's Manual

Let Contacts know you are not available
Select your own name at the top of the page, and then tap the desired
status description (such as Away).
Read a Message
When you receive an alert that a new message has been received, tap
Chat to switch to that chat, or Ignore to stay in the current chat.
To switch between chats, tap Menu > Chats, and then select the
contact to resume chatting.
Send a Message
1. Select the contact you want to send a message to.
2. Tap Menu > Send message.
3. Enter your message in the text entry area at the bottom of the screen
and tap Send. To quickly add common message, select Menu > My
text, select a message in the list, and tap Insert.
Sign In and Out
1. On the Home screen, tap Start > Programs > Pocket MSN.
2. Tap MSN Messenger > Sign in.
3. Enter the e-mail address and password for your Microsoft Passport
Network credentials or Hotmail account, and tap Sign in.
The phone will only prompt for your Sign in account and password the
first time you sign in for that account. After a successfully signing in,
you will not be prompted for your Sign in details the next time you
sign in again. To switch to a different account, you will need to tap
Menu > Switch User.
Signing in to an account may take several minutes, depending on your
connection speed and how busy your mobile network is.
To sign out, tap Menu > Sign out.