Use Instructions

Operating instructions | 27
8.10 Change a canister
2. Position the clamps next to the Quick-Connector and
close clamps on the canister tubing and the dressing
3. Disconnect the canister tubing from the dressing tubing
by pressing the sides of the Quick-Connector.
Prevent the end of the dressing tubing from becoming
1. Click and hold for 3 seconds on the Main screen.
To change a canister, therapy must be paused.
Canisters are designed for single patient use only and cannot be reused.
Change the canister a minimum of once a week or when:
– The canister appears full
– “Canister full” alarm appears on the touch screen
For instructions to change the canister click on the Pause screen
To exit the instructions at any time, click
Sterile products: Do not use the sterile products if the sterile packaging is damaged,
was opened prior to use or has expired.