User's Manual

Other (Continued)
Notes, Cautions and Warnings. In the body of the manual notes, cautions and warnings are as
shown below to make them stand out on the page. The following is a description of the format and
meaning of Notes, Cautions and Warnings:
a. Notes. Notes are presented as shown below. Notes contain supplemental information
which Invivo has deemed especially important.
b. Cautions. Cautions are presented as shown below. Cautions are used for the words
and/or terms which alert the user to the possibility of a problem with the device
associated with its use or misuse. Such problems may include device malfunctions,
device failure, damage to the device or damage to other property.
c. Warnings. Warnings are presented as shown below. Warnings are used for the words
and/or terms which alert the user to possible injury, death or other serious adverse
reactions associated with the use or misuse of the device.
This is a sample note.
This is a sample caution.
This is a sample warning.