User's Manual

Figure 1-5. The Bottom Keypad Set
d. The Bottom Keypad Set. (See Figure 1-5) The bottom keypad set is not grouped like
the top and middle, but are grouped around the Rotary Knob. There are three push keys
provide direct control of operational features of the monitor. The three push keys are
described below.
(5) CLEAR TRENDS. Pressing the CLEAR TRENDS key allows the operator
to clear all the stored data from memory. To prevent accidental erasure of
patient data, there is a Yes/No box associated with this key that appears to
ensure that the operator meant to clear the trend data.
(6) RECORD. Pressing this key records the Single Trace or Dual Trace selections
(as specified by operator adjustments made in the RECORDER Menu).
The recorder stops automatically after approximately 30 seconds, or when the
RECORD key is pressed again; in either case, the printout ends with a “Snap
Shot” of the active patient parameter data.
(1) NORMAL SCREEN. Pressing the NORMAL SCREEN key returns the
3160 MRI Physiological Monitoring System from any menu to the normal
(2) STANDBY. Pressing the STANDBY key places the 3160 MRI
Physiological Monitoring System into the Standby Mode. The monitor stays
in Standby Mode until the STANDBY key is pressed a second time. Except
for the three (3) key features given below, the monitor operates normally by
continuing to provide current patient information on the Display Screen.
While in Standby Mode:
All audible alarms and nurse call are disabled. The disabled alarms
are indicated on the screen by the “X” through the bell shaped
Alarm Status Symbol.
Active NIBP automatic measurements and STAT Mode
measurements are suspended.
No automatic printout is generated.
Default NIBP inflation pressures will be used for all manual NIBP