User's Manual

a. The patient sampling circuit (See Figure 4-13) consists of the sampling line and either
a sampling nasal cannula or a side stream adaptor connected to an endotracheal
connector. All fittings in the circuit are Luer-Lock type. All fittings should be fitted
together securely to keep them from separating during the procedure, and to ensure
proper sampling without the introduction of outside air. Loose fitting will result in
Gas measurement errors.
b. Nasal Cannula. The nasal cannula is of the “around-the-ear” type. Place the nasal
prongs gently inside the nose, loop the excess tubing over the patient's ears and then
down under the chin. The cannula may then be fitted by sliding the plastic ring up until
the cannula is secure and comfortable.
c. Endotracheal Adaptor. When using the endotracheal adaptor, attach the Nafion
Dryer Line before attaching the endotracheal adaptor to the endotracheal tube. Take
great care not to dislodge or move the endotracheal tube when attaching the adaptor.
Figure 4-13. The Patient Sampling Circuit
Figure 4-14. Water Trap Installation Diagram