User's Manual

(3) ALARM SILENCE. When the monitor goes into Alarm, pressing the
ALARM SILENCE control key silences the Alarm Tone for the current alarm
only. While the monitor is in the Silence mode, the letter “S” is displayed
within the Alarm Status Symbol (Alarm “Bell”), the Alarm Bell flashes and the
text “Alarm Silenced” is displayed in the middle of the display screen. If any of
the silenced alarm conditions return to acceptable limits, the monitor will
respond according to the above described Latched and or Unlatched operation.
If a new alarm occurs after the Silence mode is entered, the monitor will sound
the Alarm Tone for the new alarm. Pressing the ALARM SILENCE control
key a second time (after entering the Silence mode) will place the monitor into
the Alarm Hold state.
(4) Alarm Hold “SOUND ON HOLD” Mode. The Alarm Tone must be turned
on (no “X” in the bell shaped Alarm Status Symbol) to enter SOUND ON
HOLD. The Sound on Hold feature is used to temporarily disable the Alarm
Tone. This might be useful, for example, when changing ECG leads, when
drawing blood from an arterial pressure line or for any user activity which
might cause an unwarranted alarm.
Pressing the ALARM SILENCE key will activate Sound on Hold
(a “SOUND ON HOLD” message appears in the middle of the
screen and an “H” appears in the Alarm Status Symbol). Just under
the message there is a count down timer starting at 180 (counting
down at a 1 second rate) giving the time left before the Alarm Tone
is reactivated.
If the Alarm Tone is sounding, the first press of the ALARM
SILENCE key stops the Alarm Tone, and a second press enables
Sound on Hold.
The monitor will automatically exit alarm hold after 180 seconds,
and the “SOUND ON HOLD” message will disappear from the
To exit from Sound on Hold before 180 seconds, press the
ALARM SILENCE key (which will remove the “SOUND ON
HOLD” message from the screen).
6.7 Standby Mode. Pressing the STANDBY Control Key will place the monitor into the
Standby Mode. While in the Standby Mode the monitor will continue to track and update the active
patient parameters but three key features will be disabled: 1) All audible alarms are disabled; the fact
that the alarms are disabled is indicated on the Display Screen by an X through the bell shaped Alarms
Status Symbol; it is also important to note that the Parameter Waveform and/or Numeric Display
continue to operate normally and will turn Red if any active parameter violates its Alarm Limits, 2)
automatic NIBP Measurements are suspended (if active, the current measurement will abort), and 3)
No Automatic Printout is generated. When NIBP measurements are resumed, the intital reading will be
taken at the default inflation pressure that is used for all initial NIBP measurements.