User Manual

Macro Mode
The Macro Mode (F11 key) allows a single key
stroke or mouse click to perform multiple actions.
For example you can set: “UP, DOWN, LEFT,
RIGHT, X, O” to execute just by pressing the Y key.
To create a macro select the Macro tab and then
press the “+ Create Macros” button to bring up the
recording window. Enter the steps exactly as you
would execute the commands in the game, with the
same timing sequence and then press the Stop
Recording button at the bottom when done. You can
delete and rerecord a macro as many times as
needed to get the sequence correct. Once the
Macro is saved you can label it to help remember its
Gamepad Vibration
The Gamepad Vibration (F12 key) setting allows the tactile feedback from controller to be turned on and off as
needed without having to open the game console menu. To turn controller vibration on or off press F12 on the
keyboard or press the side button in the K2 App.
Profile Backup and Restore
The K2 App has built-in access to cloud based storage for all your game profiles, and allows you to
backup and restore your profiles as needed.
To Backup your game profiles:
1. Press the Library tab at the bottom of the K2 App screen.
2. Press your account icon in the upper left hand corner of the app screen.
3. Press the Backup My Profles icon.
Note: the Backup function takes a “snapshot” of all profiles on your device and backs up those
profiles, while also deleting anything from your previous backup that is not currently shown in your
device library. This means if you share your library between multiple devices, you should always
start a new gaming session by restoring your previous backup before making changes
(downloading, sharing or modifying profiles). Always remember to backup your profiles after
making any profile changes you wish to keep. If you make changes to your profiles and do not
wish to keep them, you can perform a Restore which will overwrite your current profiles with those
from your most recent backup.