User guide

Personal Cloud: Accessing Your Device From
Anywhere in the World
What Is an Iomega Personal Cloud ?
An Iomega Personal Cloud turns an Iomega StorCenter px2-300d into a hub for sharing files and
backing up data among computers anywhere in the world. A Personal Cloud can exist on your Iomega
StorCenter px2-300d, or on another Iomega network device. When you create a Personal Cloud, you
gain access to your px2-300d from anywhere on the internet. You can also share with friends and
family by inviting users to join your Personal Cloud. You manage Personal Cloud users the same way
you manage other users on your px2-300d, so you control the storage and content they can access
through the Personal Cloud. Trusted devices can be added to your Personal Cloud to connect them
through the internet as if they are on a common home network with your px2-300d. People who join
your Personal Cloud can access data, perform Copy Job operations, use your px2-300d as a
QuikProtect remote target, stream media from your px2-300d over the internet, and use remote
desktop to access computers on the local network for your px2-300d. If you allow a user to join their
trusted devices to the Cloud, those devices become part of the Cloud and can be accessed by other
users on the Cloud.
Iomega Personal Cloud Key Terms
The following are a few key terms to help get you started with a Personal Cloud:
Iomega Personal Cloud This is a setting configured on your Iomega StorCenter px2-300d
Console that allows you to securely share storage and media capabilities with computers
around the world.
Web Access You can use Personal Cloud information to access your px2-300d from the web.
Enter in a web browser, and when prompted, enter a valid
username and password for your px2-300d. You can also use the Iomega Link, which is an
application that runs on mobile devices, by entering the Personal Cloud name and then a valid
username and password. For more information on the Iomega Link, refer to its documentation.
My Personal Cloud When you are the administrator of an px2-300d, you can create a
Personal Cloud through the Iomega StorCenter px2-300d Console and then invite people to join
it. You create and manage the Personal Cloud on your Iomega StorCenter px2-300d Console
through the My Personal Cloud configuration option. The Personal Cloud that you administer is
called My Personal Cloud.
Other Personal Cloud If you want to have your px2-300d join that Personal Cloud instead of
administering your own, select the option for Other Personal Cloud. Enter the Personal Cloud
name, username and password you received when you were invited to join your px2-300d as a
Trusted Device on the other Personal Cloud.
Joining an Iomega Personal Cloud as a Trusted Device To connect your computer or your
px2-300d as a trusted device to a Personal Cloud, you use the username and password given to
you for that Personal Cloud. The person managing the Personal Cloud has to create you as a
user on the device hosting the Personal Cloud and give you permission to add trusted devices.
You can connect your px2-300d to only one Personal Cloud at any given time, so you must
select between either My Personal Cloud or Other Personal Cloud.
An administrator should complete the following tasks to set up or join a Personal Cloud:
create a Personal Cloud
invite people to a Personal Cloud
join a trusted device to a Personal Cloud