How to Guide

To pause the playlist, press the Play/Pause button. The Display will flash to indicate that the
current track is paused.
To change the track, press the Previous or Next button. As you scroll through the tracks in the
playlist, the Display will update with the current track number.
To stop the playlist, press the Stop button. The Display will show the total number of tracks on the
CD. After a playlist is stopped, you can press the Play/Pause button to restart the playlist from the
To erase a programmed playlist, first press the Stop button to stop the playlist. Then press the
Stop button again. The Prog Icon will turn off to indicate that no playlist is currently programmed.
Note: If you exit CD Mode or put Air CD Pro in standby, this will also cause Air CD Pro to erase the
playlist from its memory.
Repeat Play
Whether listening to a CD’s tracks in their standard order or to a custom playlist, you can use the
Repeat options (Repeat One and Repeat All). When Repeat One is activated, the currently selected
track will play on a loop. When Repeat All is activated, the current tracklist will play on a loop.
To turn Repeat on, press the Repeat/FM ST button on the front panel or the Repeat button on the
remote control. Pressing this button will toggle between Repeat One, Repeat All, and Repeat Off.
When Repeat One is selected, the Repeat Symbol on the left side of the Display will flash. When
Repeat All is selected, the Repeat Symbol will be solidly lit. When Repeat is off, the Repeat Symbol
will not be lit.