
• If you copy from Main to Fill (or vice-versa) within a particular numbered Pattern, the
destination will be erased and replaced with the source Pattern since Main and Fill Patterns
must have the same length. This is useful if you want the Fill to contain variations on the Main
Pattern—just copy the Main to Fill and make your additions/changes.
• Copying a Fill to a Fill follows the same rules as copying a Main Pattern to a Fill.
• The only copy technique that appends a Pattern to another Pattern is copying a Main Pattern
to another Main Pattern.
3.3A Copy, Append, and Double Patterns
1. The IED04 should be in Pattern mode and stopped.
2. Select the Pattern to be copied.
3. Press and hold the COPY button, and keep holding it down until step (6). The display says
4. Enter the destination Pattern number into which the current Pattern will be copied with the
INC/DEC or number buttons.
• Copying a Pattern to a blank destination Pattern replaces the blank Pattern with the original
Pattern data.
• Copying to a Pattern that already contains data appends the original data to the end of the
data in the destination Pattern. If this would result in a Pattern with more than 128 beats, the
display will say TOO MANY BEATS.
• Copying a Pattern to itself doubles the length.
• The Drum Set assignment and Pattern name are copied along with the drum data only if the
destination Pattern is empty.
5. Press PLAY. The display says COPY DONE.
6. Release the COPY and PLAY buttons.
3.3B Copy One Drum Pad's Part to Another Drum Pad
Merge: When the destination drum pad already has a pattern, the source pattern will be
merged with the destination pattern. Note that if the two parts contain events for the same pad
on the same beat, only one event will prevail and it will take the level of the source Pattern
Sound Stacking™: When the destination drum pad is empty (no recorded pattern), the source
pattern will be copied and any drum sound assigned to the destination drum pad will play the
exact same pattern as the source drum pad. This technique lets you stack multiple drum sounds
together to create monster composite sounds. See section 8.3: Sound Stacking.
1. The IED04 should be in Pattern mode and stopped.
2. Select the Pattern containing the drum part to be copied.
3. Press and hold the COPY button, and keep holding it down until step (7). The display says
4. Strike the pad to be copied. The display shows the pad number (e.g., D8 if you hit pad 8).
5. Strike the destination pad that should hold the copied part. As long as COPY is held down,
the destination pad can still be changed by selecting another drum pad.