Product Description

nanoBTS Product Description Introduction
© ip.access Ltd Page 1
1.1 Overview
This product description gives the technical specification of the 165 and 139/140 series
nanoBTSs from ip.access. It describes the basic properties and functionality of the
hardware and software. It includes information on the management model supported by
the BTS. It does not go into detail on GSM service support beyond the most basic. This is
described in the range of Feature Description documents also available from ip.access.
1.2 Related Information
[GSM05.05] 3GPP TS05.05; Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE; Radio
Access Network; Radio transmission and reception (Release 1999)
[GSM05.08] 3GPP TS05.08; Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE; Radio
Access Network; Radio Subsystem Link Control (Release 1999)
[REF_110] nanoGSM BSS MIB Definition (NGSM_REF_110)
[INST_300] nanoBTS Installation Manual (NGSM_INST_300)
[NGSM_SOC] nanoGSM Statements of Compliance, ip.access
[NGSM_APR] nanoGSM Approvals, ip.access
1.3 Terminology
AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate
ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
AWG American Wire Gauge
BA list Basestation Allocation
Synonym for PPC in this document
BHCA Busy-Hour Call Attempts
BSC Basestation Controller
BSIC Basestation Identity Code
BTS Base Transceiver Station
CA List Channel Allocation
CBCH Cell Broadcast Channel
CCCH Common Control Channel
CEM Contract Electronics Manufacturer
CGI Cell Global Identity
Codec Coder-Decoder