Product Description

nanoBTS Product Description Introduction
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CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Downlink Processor (baseband processor responsible for transmit
Dongle Hardware plug used to reset the BTS to factory default settings
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFR Enhanced Full Rate (GSM Speech coding)
ESD Electro-static Discharge
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FEC Fast Ethernet Controller, or Forward Error Correction
FER Failure Event Report
FPGA Field Programming Gate Array
FR Full rate (GSM Speech coding)
GPIO General Purpose Input-Output
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
HR Half Rate (GSM Speech Codec)
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
LED Light Emitting Diode
Media Access Control. Signifies a particular layer in the ANSI standard
protocol model for GPRS. Also used in this document in the phrase
"MAC Address"
MAC Address
The physical (hardware) address of the Ethernet interface. Ip.access has
its own MAC address range allocated by IEEE.
MS Mobile Station (= handset + SIM)
NACK Negative Acknowledge
NCELL Neighbour Cell
NV Non-volatile
NWL Network Listen
OCXO Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
OEMid Original Equipment Manufacturer Identifier
OML Operations and Maintenance Link
OOL Out-of-lock
PA Power Amplifier (final internal amplification stage in the nanoBTS)
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCU Packet Control Unit
PLL Phase-Locked Loop
POST Power-on Self Test
PPC Power PC (particular device used for Ethernet interface processing)