Installation Instructions

© ip.access Ltd
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Figure 9 TFTP server
Step 3. Setting IP addresses and downloading software
The DHCP server automatically responds to the nanoBTS broadcast with the relevant
IP configuration.
If a .sdp filename has been specified in the “com.ipaccess.nanoBTS
configuration file, then the software will download from the TFTP server to the
nanoBTS. Check against the IP address in the TFTP server window that the .sdp file
has been downloaded and that no error / fail message is displayed.
Figure 10 TFTP server window when active
Setting the frequency of nanoBTS oscillator
The frequency of the nanoBTS is referenced to a crystal oscillator that has to be
accurately calibrated to 26MHz ± 20ppb. The frequency can be adjusted using either of
two methods:
a) Calibration by synchronisation to other GSM base stations transmitting locally. This is
the preferred method, as described below.
b) Using a frequency counter and manually adjusting the frequency. This is an alternative
method that can be used at the BTS site as described in Appendix 2