User's Manual

F32700N25.doc Page 16
Equipment set up
Step1 Connect cable from RF in/out port on service monitor to TX/RX1 input of
Step2 Connect audio probe from HI audio in port on service monitor to Tp1 on digital
Step3 Select the "RX" function, Set "RF Gen Freq" to the receive frequency of the
mobile under test. (For example 769 MHz)
Step4 Set other values as: Amplitude: Varies, Atten Hold: Off, AFGen1 Freq: 1.000
kHz, AFGen1 to: FM 5 KHz AFGen2 Freq: 1.000 kHz, AFGen2 to: Off Filter 1:
300 Hz HPF, Filter 2: 3 kHz LPF, Output Port: RF Out, Ext Load R: 600 ohm
Step1 In IP Message, type the command “receiver = 1”.
Step2 Set the Service Monitor to measure SINAD.
Step3 Reduce signal amplitude on the Service Monitor until 12dB SINAD is reached.
Step4 In IP Message, type the command “12DB SINAD =X0” where X0 is the
amplitude in dBm.
Step5 Set the Service Monitor to measure SNR.
Step6 Increase signal amplitude until reaching a level of 30dB SNR.
Step7 In IP Message, type the command “30DB S/N =X1 “where X1 is the amplitude
in dBm.
Step8 Increase signal amplitude until reaching 40dB SNR. Record the amplitude.
Step9 In IP Message, type the command “40DB S/N = X2” where X2 is the
amplitude in dBm.
Step10 Set the signal amplitude to -50dBm.
Step11 In IP Message, type the command “-50DBM = -50“.
Step12 Set the signal amplitude to -40dBm.