Installation Manual

Table Of Contents
2003 IPMobileNet, Inc. 49 IPSeries MR User Manual / Rev. A / 08-Apr-03
4-Level FSK
A form of digital modulation in which four (4) discrete levels
of carrier frequency displacement are employed to convey
Analog A classification of signal in which the amplitude of the signal
may take on an infinite number of values.
Bessel Filter A filter with a linear phase response.
Broadband A term, which implies that the equipment can be operated
over a wide (broad) band of frequencies.
bps bits per second
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor – A type of
integrated circuit with low power consumption.
Collision Tolerant Modem A specially designed modem, which can tolerate
transmissions that overlap in time.
Continuous Duty Indicates that the equipment can be operated 100% of the
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Checksum – An error detection scheme
in which a known algorithm is used to operate on a message
both prior to transmission and after reception. The output of
the operation (the checksum) is compared on both sides of
the link to validate the integrity of the received message.
Data Interleaving A technique in which the order of the individual data bits
within the data to be transmitted is shifted and interleaved so
as to disassociate adjacent data bits in a message. This
scheme is complementary to forward error correction (FEC)
Data Scrambling A technique used to ensure no repeating patterns exist in the
transmitted data stream, a method of ensuring the data is
reasonable random in nature.
Digital A classification of signal in which the amplitude of the signal
may take a discrete number of values.
Diversity Reception A reception system using multiple antennas and/or multiple
receivers to combat multi-path fading.
Dynamic Range The range of amplitudes over which a receiver or amplifier
will operate within specifications.