Installation Manual

Table Of Contents
2003 IPMobileNet, Inc. 51 IPSeries MR User Manual / Rev. A / 08-Apr-03
Half Duplex
A dual frequency mode of operation, which inhibits
simultaneous transmission and reception.
LO Local Oscillator – An on-board oscillator used in frequency
conversion circuits.
Modular Design A design in which the major functional components are
separated into distinct modules.
Multipath A radio propagation situation in which multiple RF (radio
frequency) signals paths exists between a transmitter and
receiver. These multiple paths or multi-path situations can
create significant distortion in the received signal.
NFEZ Near-Field Exclusion Zone
Noise Figure The “Figure of Merit” of an amplifier. Specifically, noise
figure is a measure of the degradation in SNR (signal-to-
noise ratio) between the input and output ports of a network.
PCB Printed Circuit Board
Phase Linearity Implies a linear relationship between the phase of a signal
and the frequency of that signal. A linear phase response
ensures constant input to output delays regardless of
frequency, import for wireless communication systems.
Phase Noise A measure of the purity of a discreet frequency (expressed
in –dBc/Hz at some offset frequency).
PLL Phase Locked Loop - A circuit configuration used to lock the
frequency of a VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) to a high
stability reference oscillator.
ppm Parts Per Million
RF Radio Frequency
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
SINAD The ratio of Signal + Noise + Distortion to Noise
+ Distortion.
Sensitivity The measure of a receiver’s ability to capture and faithfully
reproduce weak signals.