User Manual

~\Technical Documentation\System Manuals\FCC-Reports\DT450-FCCRpt.doc Page 14
Step 8 Select the SINAD measurement on the service monitor and read the results. SINAD
should be 12 dBm or better for an RF input of –119 dBm.
Step 9 Measure the AC level of the recovered modulation at TP1. Record this value on the
Mobile Data Radio Performance Test Data Sheet.
Step 10 Move the DMM test probe to TP1.
Step 11 Adjust pot R19B for a reading of 2.500 (+/-10 mV) VDC.
Step 12 The previous two (2) adjustments are interactive. Repeatedly adjust R19B until you
obtain 340 mV RMS and 2.500 VDC.
Step 13 Remove the DMM and scope probes.
Transmit Data
Step 1 Edit the parameters in the TX TEST function on the service monitor as follows:
Tune Freq: Client’s default TX frequency
Input Port: RF In
Filter 1: 300 Hz HPF
Filter 2: 3 KHz LPF
Step 2 Verify the RF jumper cable is connected between the RF input/output connector on the
service monitor and the RX1/TX antenna input on the radio.
WARNING! Damage to the service monitor can result during the following adjustments unless
the unit has an internal dummy load. Verify the monitor has an internal dummy load before
performing any other test. Otherwise, use an external dummy load with the service monitor.
Step 3 At the computer desktop, run the dial-up networking connection by double
clicking on the SLIP2IPMN shortcut.
Step 4 On the computer, run the IP Message Utility by double clicking on the IPMsg
shortcut. The ‘IPMobileNet Simple Wireless Messaging Demo’ window displays.
Step 5 In the To: field, enter the radio’s IP address and click the Send button.
Step 6 Type a ? in the lower window and click on the Send button. A list of radio configuration
parameters appears in the upper message window.