Product Manual

#7862, #7863 or #7864
The Grease Joint Rejuvenator
allows a clogged grease tting or
joint to take on fresh grease by injecting light penetrating oil into
the grease joint via the grease tting, breaking up and removing any
dirt, rust or debris. The purpose of this tool is to free up the joint and
tting, enabling them to be greased.
SET UP: First remove the piston from the tool body and ll it with
non-aerosol, penetrating oil. Once the tool body has been lled,
reinsert the piston, gently working it into the bore of the body. Be
sure to clean the piston and O-ring before inserting. (Note: A spare
O-ring is located near the head of piston shaft and serves as a
marker to show when the tool body is empty.)
REMOVE THE AIR: When the piston is inserted into the tool body, air
may get trapped inside. Any air left in the tool reduces the hydraulic
pressure, causing the tool to be less effective. After lling the tool
body with light, penetrating oil, put the piston back and turn the
tool upside down to allow the air bubble to oat to the top. Place a
rag over the end of the tool and tap on the piston lightly with your
hand until the air bubble is forced out. When bleeding, be sure to
keep your face and eyes away from expelling air and uid. If the
piston bounces back when tapped, it has air in it. (WEAR SAFETY
GLASSES! NOTE: Air left in the tool may cause the piston to
forcibly eject and strike the user.)
USING THE TOOL: Once the air has been bled from the tool, you are
ready to unclog a stuck tting or joint. If you are using the Profes-
sional Model, push the grease coupler over the grease tting and
lightly tap the piston head with a small hammer. It may take several
taps, but the piston will eventually move down into the tool body.
This indicates that the joint is opening. Once the piston has pushed
all the oil out, remove the tool and grease the joint. (Note: Some
joints are more stubborn than others and several attempts
with the Grease Joint Rejuvenator
may be necessary to fully
unclog a joint.) If you are using the Pocket Model, gently place the
open end over the grease tting and hold the tool down rmly. The
O-ring inside the end of the tool creates a seal and keeps the oil
from leaking.
PRECAUTIONS: Be sure NOT to hit the tool too hard as you may
snap off a grease tting or damage the tool. If you nd a stubborn
tting, try loosening the grease tting one or two turns to expel
any trapped air to increase the cleaning pressure. When the grease
coupler on the end of the Professional Model is new, it may be
difcult to remove from a tting. Unscrew the head a quarter turn to
loosen the jaws holding the tting. The jaws can be turned around
to extend life. (Note: The jaws are a wearable item and are not
INSTALL FLEXIBLE EXTENSION: Some applications may require
the use of the Flexible Extension to make a bend. To install the
ex hose, remove the female grease coupler from the Professional
Model #7862. Using sealant tape, install the ex hose into the tool
body, then install the grease coupler on the end of the hose. This
gives you exibility when trying to access tight places. The hose
should only be used temporarily since the Grease Joint Rejuvena-
works best without it. The Flexible Extension can only be
used with the Professional Model.
CLEANING: Keep the unit dry and oiled. If the unit rusts, use a light
steel wool and oil to clean it as soon as possible.

Summary of content (2 pages)