Setup Manual

V1 mini series server instruction manual
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3.1 Fill in the Mining Pool Information
Note: This manual takes the “antpool” as an example.
ETC mining address: stratum+tcp://
1Select "Pool Configuration" and fill in the Mining Pool Information
(1-1) The "Url" in "Mining Pool 1" is filled with the ETC AntPool mining link address: stratum+tcp://
(1-2) "Worker" in "Pool 1" fill in "ipollomini.001"; "ipollomini" is a custom "sub-account" in the
corresponding Mining Pool account; the number suffixed with ".001" is the number used to distinguish
the server;).
Note: For customization such as numbers or letter combinations, use English periods to separate them,
only modify the corresponding characters, and do not increase or decrease spaces and punctuation)