User's Manual

IPS GROUP, Inc. SSPM User Manual (Ver. 3.2)
All information contained herein is considered confidential
Coin Test
The coin test menu allows maintenance staff to verify that coins are validated correctly.
The two key components in coin testing are the Coins, which shows the total coin count
and Value, which is the value of the last coin inserted. When a coin is inserted, the
Coins number will increase by 1 and the value will reflect the new coin. A number with a
negative value will appear if that coin is not accepted (such as a penny). If a coin is
inserted but the Coins count does not change, this may indicate a fault with the meter or
the coin validator. Also if the value given for a particular coin is incorrect, the meter may
not be programmed correctly.
Card Test
In order to verify that a card is being read properly, it can be tested in the Card Test
menu. Once in this menu, insert and remove a card. The credit card type, number, and
expiration date should appear on the screen. This information will not be seen if the
card reader is malfunctioning or if the card is damaged.
Communications Test (Comms Test)
This menu will allow you to test the meter’s
communication capabilities by forcing it to “call-in” to the
management system. The meter uses GPRS (General
Packet Radio Service) technology to communicate
over the GSM (Global System for Mobile
Communications) network. Performing this test
verifies that the meter can successfully communicate with the management system,
updates the meter’s internal clock, and forces the download of available firmware and
configurations. A typical communication session will go through the following steps: