Product Manual

SSeellff--PPrriimmiinngg CCeennttrriiffuuggaall PPuummppss
HHiigghh VVoolluummee DDeewwaatteerriinngg
CCaasstt IIrroonn MMooddeellss
OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss && PPaarrttss MMaannuuaall
PPlleeaassee rreeaadd aanndd ssaavvee tthhiiss RReeppaaiirr PPaarrttss MMaannuuaall.. RReeaadd tthhiiss mmaannuuaall aanndd tthhee GGeenneerraall OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ccaarreeffuullllyy bbeeffoorree aatttteemmppttiinngg ttoo aasssseemmbbllee,,
iinnssttaallll,, ooppeerraattee oorr mmaaiinnttaaiinn tthhee pprroodduucctt ddeessccrriibbeedd.. PPrrootte
ecctt yyoouurrsseellff aanndd ootthheerrss bbyy oobbsseerrvviinngg aallll ssaaffeettyy iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn.. TThhee SSaaffeettyy IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss aarree
ccoonnttaaiinneedd i
inn tthhee GGeenneerraall OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo ccoommppllyy wwiitthh tthhee ssaaffeettyy iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss aaccccoommppaannyyiinngg tthhiiss pprroodduucctt ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinn ppeerrssoonnaall
iinnjjuurryy aanndd//oorr pprrooppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee!! RReettaaiinn iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr ffuuttuurree rre
effeerreennccee.. AAMMTT rreesseerrvveess tthhee rriigghhtt ttoo ddiissccoonnttiinnuuee oorr cchhaannggee ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss wwiitthhoouutt
iinnccuurrrriinngg aannyy oobblliigga
©©22000066 AAmmeerriiccaann MMaacchhiinnee && TTooooll CCoo..,, IInncc.. ooff PPAA,, AA SSuubbssiiddiiaarryy ooff TThhee GGoorrmmaann--RRuupppp CCoommppaannyy,, AAllll R
Riigghhttss RReesseerrvveedd..
PPeerriiooddiicc mmaaiinntteennaannccee aanndd iinnssppeeccttiioonn iiss rreeqquuiirreedd oonn aallll ppuummppss ttoo iinnssuurree pprrooppeerr ooppeerraat
tiioonn.. UUnniitt mmuusstt bbee cclleeaarr ooff ddeebbrriiss aanndd
sseeddiimmeenntt.. IInnssppeecctt ffoorr lleeaakkss aanndd lloooossee bboollttss.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo ddoo ssoo
vvooiiddss wwaarrrraannttyy..
SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
22776611--9955 tthhrruu 228822DD--9955 &&
aanndd RReeppaaiirr PPaarrttss MMaannuuaall
22882211--9955 tthhrruu 228822MM--9955
RReeffeerr ttoo ffoorrmm 11880088--663344--0000 ffoorr GGeenneerraall OOppeerraattiinngg aanndd SSaaffeettyy IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss..
MMaakkee cceerrttaaiinn
tthhaatt uunniitt iiss
ddiissccoonnnneecctteedd ffrroomm ppoowweerr ssoouurrccee bbeeffoorree
aatttteemmppttiinngg ttoo sseerrvviiccee oorr rreemmoovvee aannyy
The pump casing should be
removed and inspected periodically to
insure that any foreign material is not
clogging internal pump parts. This unit
is equipped with a dual volute pump
casing. One of the volutes runs 180°, all
the way from the side opposite the
discharge into the discharge through a
completely enclosed passageway. If
foreign material clogs this area, it can
be dislodged by using a wire or long
Refer to Figure 1
Always replace both seal
seat (Ref. No. 8) and seal head (Ref. No.
9) to ensure proper mating of
1. Unthread fasteners (Ref. No. 6) and
remove pump casing (Ref. No. 14)
and casing seal (Ref. No. 7) from
adapter (Ref. No. 5).
2. Unscrew impeller fastener (Ref. No.
13), (where applicable), and impeller
(Ref. No. 11) separately by turning
each counterclockwise.
: Most motors use an open end
wrench across flats on rear of
motor shaft (remove bearing cap for
access) to prevent shaft from turning.
Other motor shafts have a screwdriver
slot instead of flats.
3. Unscrew fasteners (Ref. Nos. 4 & 18)
and remove adapter, foot (Ref. No.
19), and handle (Ref. No. 3) from
motor (Ref. No.1) mounting face.
Seal head will come loose at this
4. Push seal seat from adapter recess
with a screwdriver.
5. Clean adapter recess before
inserting a new seal seat.
6. Carefully wipe polished surface of
new seal seat with a clean cloth.
7. Wet rubber portion of seal seat with
a light coating of soapy water.
8. Press new seal seat squarely into
cavity in adapter. If seal seat does
not press squarely into cavity, it can
be adjusted in place by pushing on it
with a piece of pipe. Always use a
piece of cardboard between pipe
and seal seat to avoid scratching seal
seat. (This is a lapped surface and
must be handled very carefully.)
9. After seal seat is in place, insure that
it is clean and has not been marred.
10. Using a clean cloth, wipe shaft and
make certain that it is perfectly
11. Secure adapter, foot, and handle on
motor mounting face. Carefully
guide motor shaft through seal seat.
12. Apply a light coating of soapy water
to inside rubber portion of seal head
and slide onto shaft (with sealing
face first) so that rubber portion is
just up over shaft shoulder.
DDoo nnoott ttoouucchh oorr
wwiippee ppoolliisshheedd ffaaccee
ooff sseeaall hheeaadd..
13. Replace any impeller shims (Ref. No.
10) which may have been removed
in disassembly. (See “Shim
Adjustment” below.)
14. Screw impeller back into place,
tightening until it is against shaft
15. Replace impeller nut (where
applicable), and tighten until snug.
16. Remount casing seal and pump
casing on adapter.
Always use a new casing
gasket whenever unit is disassembled.
When installing a replacement impeller
(Ref. No. 11) or motor (Ref. No. 1), it
may be necessary to adjust number of
shims (Ref. No. 10) to insure proper
running clearance between impeller
and casing. Proceed as follows:
A proper running clearance is
less than 0.010
1. For impeller replacement, add one
shim in addition to those
removed originally.
2. For motor replacement, add two
These centrifugal pumps are self-priming (to 20 ft. lift) units designed for high
volume liquid transfer - irrigation, de-watering, lawn sprinkling, etc. They can also
accommodate semi-solids (up to 3/8
dia.), sediment laden liquids, and liquids with
entrained air or gases. Units are equipped with flapper valves to shorten
re-prime time. Handles liquids from 40º to 180º F (4º to 82º C). For use with
non-flammable, non-abrasive liquids compatible with pump component materials.

Summary of content (4 pages)