Installation Guide

1) Hold the “PLAY” button for 3 seconds.
The date and time will appear with the YEAR highlighted as
Press the “UP” and “DOWN” arrows to select the year.
2) Press the “PLAY” button to move to the MONTH selection.
Press the “UP” and “DOWN” arrows to select the month.
3) Press the “PLAY” button to move to the DATE selection.
Press the “UP” and “DOWN” arrows to select the date.
4) Press the “PLAY” button to move to the HOUR selection.
Press the “UP” and “DOWN” arrows to select the hour.
Ensure the correct AM/PM setting is selected.
5) Press the “PLAY” button to move to the MINUTE selection.
Press the “UP” and “DOWN” arrows to select the minute.
6) Press the “OFF” button to complete the settings and exit
Date & Time Setting mode.
Setting the Date and Time