User's Manual

2. General Description
User Manual of Luna1013XE 17
electronics positioned behind the sensor array in order to produce an accurate and sensitive digital
representation of the x-ray image.
2.3. Characteristics
Wireless static flat panel detector
16-bit AD
2.4. Intended Use
This equipment provides digital X-ray imaging for diagnosis of disease, injury, or any applicable
health problem of Equine .The image is obtained as the result of X-ray passing through the Equine
and detected by the equipment.
IRay will provide equipment and software support for integration of system. This panel is not
intended for human. Luna1013XE is a 10x13 wireless portable flat panel detector designed for
Equine and EOD application
According to the Luna1013XE intended use and the result of risk management, identifying and
describing the essential performance as the following:
To get image of dark field, the Luna1013XE shall be not influenced to the imaging acquisition.
To keep the data transmission function, the Luna1013XE shall be not influenced to the data and
signal transmission
According to the Luna series INTENDED USE and the result of risk management, image acquisition
and data transmission are defined as ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE.
Getting dark image proves that ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE does not influence INTENDED USE.
Method for getting dark image in detail refers to section “installation” and “operation”.
2.6. Application Specification