User Manual

Iridium Communications, Inc. Information Contained in this Guide
Iridium 9523 Product Developers’ Guide is Subject to Change Without Notice
Revision 2.6
Iridium Communications, Inc. Distribution of Guide Restricted
Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 50 of 115 to Product Developers
1 Buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is cleared when <mode>
1...3 is entered.
Read Command: +CNMI?
Read command returns the current settings for the SMS message indication. Response is in the form:
+CNMI: <mode>,<mt>,<bm>,<ds>,<bfr>
Test Command: +CNMI=?
Test command returns the supported settings of the phone. Response is in the form:
+CNMI: (list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported <mt>s),(list of supported <bm>s),(list of
supported <ds>s),(list of supported <bfr>s)
5.7.43 +COPS - Operator Select
Set Command: +COPS=[<mode>[,<format>[,<oper>]]]
Set command forces an attempt to manually register the phone to the network. Only IRIDIUM as <oper>
is supported.
Valid values for the parameters are outlined below.
0 automatic (<oper> field is ignored) (default)
1 manual (<oper> field is optional)
0 long format alphanumeric <oper>
1 short format alphanumeric <oper>
2 numeric <oper>
<oper> is of string type enclosed by quotes“”; for example “IRIDIUM”. <format> indicates if the format is
alphanumeric or numeric; long alphanumeric format can be up to 16 characters long and short format up
to 8 characters; numeric format is the Location Area Identification number which consists of a three BCD
(Binary Coded Decimal) digit country code plus a two BCD digit network code; hence the number has
structure: (country code digit 3)(country code digit 2)(country code digit 1)(network code digit 2)(network
code digit 1). Since IRIDIUM is the only operator, the short and long format is “IRIDIUM” and the numeric
format is “90103”. These are the only values accepted.
Note that setting the <mode> to manual does not disable automatic registration of the phone to the
network. It just forces a manual registration procedure when entered.
Read Command: +COPS?
Read command returns the current mode, and will always respond with “000” for <mode>. This is due to
the continually enabled nature of the automatic registration mode. The response is in the form:
+COPS: <mode>
For example:
Test Command: +COPS=?
Test command returns the list of operators present in the network. Response is in the form: