User Manual

Iridium Communications, Inc. Information Contained in this Guide
Iridium 9523 Product Developers’ Guide is Subject to Change Without Notice
Revision 2.6
Iridium Communications, Inc. Distribution of Guide Restricted
Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 89 of 115 to Product Developers
Command is abortable in the cases when the network is interrogated. The interaction of this command
with other commands based on other GSM supplementary services is described in the GSM standard.
Defined values
<n> (sets/shows the result code presentation status in the Iridium 9523):
0 disable unsolicited result presentation
1 enable unsolicited result presentation
On a DTE-DCE command, <n> will set the result code presentation status in the Iridium 9523,
regardless of the value of any <mode> parameter.
<mode> (when <mode> parameter is not given, network is not interrogated):
0 disable Call Waiting service for specified class(es)
1 enable Call Waiting service for specified class(es)
2 query status of Call Waiting service for specified class(es)
<classx> is a sum of integers each representing a class of information:
1 voice
2 data
4 fax
This parameter defaults to 7, equal to all classes, but the Iridium 9523 only supports Voice Call
Waiting so this is illegal. Therefore in practice the FA must supply <classx>=1.
0 Call Waiting service not active for specified Class
1 Call Waiting service active for specified Class
<number>: quoted string type phone number of calling address in format specified by <type>
<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [7] subclause; default 145
when dialing string is international number, otherwise 129.
If the network rejects a request to activate/deactivate the Call Waiting service due to it not being
provisioned (or for other reasons), the reported CME ERROR code will be 133 “requested service option
not subscribed”. This is strictly speaking a GPRS-related code (GSM 07.07 [2] subclause 9.2.2), but is
the most informative choice in this case.
Informative examples:
The status of only the Voice class can be queried:
If the command is successful, the Iridium 9523 might return (after contacting the network):
If a remote caller tries to place a voice call to the Iridium 9523 while it already has a call in progress, and
the Call Waiting service has been made active for class Voice, then the network will send a message to
the Iridium 9523. Then, if <n> has previously been set to ‘1’, the Iridium 9523 will send an unsolicited
result code to the FA, e.g.: