User Manual Part 1

6: Traditional Text Entry
58 Iridium Extreme™ User Manual
Note: Press the # key to toggle between caps, lowercase, rst letter
capitalization, and digits. The mode currently selected is displayed in the
top left corner of the screen; the modes are indicated as ABC, abc, Abc,
Keypad Guide
Key Available Characters
1 . (period) /1
2 A/B/C/2
3 D/E/F/3
4 G/H/I/4
5 J/K/L/5
6 M/N/O/6
7 P/Q/R/S/7
8 T/U/V/8
9 W/X/Y/Z/9
0 _ (space)
* next character
# shift up
Right Soft Key backspace / exit