User's Manual

Iridium Satellite LLC
9601 SBD Transceiver Preliminary Product Developers Guide
V1.2 082905
Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information
Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice
Note that the Ring Indicator (RI) pin is used by the 9601 Transceiver to indicate that a Mobile Terminated
SBD (MT-SBD) message is queued at the Gateway. The Field Application will need to monitor this pin
and use appropriate AT Commands to command the Transceiver to retrieve the MT-SBD message.
The serial interface may be operated with a 3-wire connection, where only transmit, receive and ground
signals are used. However the 9 wire interface offers better control and is the recommended
implementation. Iridium is only able to provide limited 3-wire interface support. When operating with a 3-
wire connection, the following rules apply:
AT&Dn must be set to AT&D0 to ignore the DTR input
AT&Kn must be set to AT&K0 to disable RTS/CTS flow control
The other output signals may be connected, and operate as follows:
CTS driven ON (low)
DSR operates as normal
RI operates as normal
DCD driven ON (low)
Note: RTS/CTS flow control, when enabled, is only used when the data port is in SBD data mode. In AT
command mode, RTS is ignored and CTS is driven ON (low).
3.3.2 Configuration Settings
The Data Module allows the DTE to configure the data port communication parameters. The three
configuration types are active, factory default, and stored. The active configuration is the set of
parameters currently in use. They can be changed by the DTE individually via specific AT commands.
The factory default configuration is stored in permanent memory. This configuration can be recalled at
any time through use of the AT&Fn command.
Two groups of settings, or profiles, can be stored as user-defined configurations. The DTE first creates
desired active configurations and then writes them to memory using the AT&Wn command. These
profiles can be designated to be loaded as the active configuration upon Data Module power-up through
use of the AT&Yn command. The Data Module can be reset without loss of power to these profiles
through use of the ATZn command.
The configuration settings are stored in S-register locations.