User's Manual

Iridium Satellite LLC
9601 Transceiver AT Command Reference
Iridium Satellite LLC Proprietary & Confidential Information Page 24 of 51
Information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change without further notice
19..31 Reserved, but indicate failure if used.
32 No network service, unable to initiate call.
33 Antenna fault, unable to initiate call.
34 Radio is disabled, unable to initiate call (see *Rn command).
35 Transceiver is busy, unable to initiate call (typically performing auto-
36 Try later, must wait 3 minutes since last registration.
37.. Reserved, but indicate failure if used.
Read Command: +SBDREG?
Query the current SBD registration status of the Transceiver. The response is of
the form:
0 Detached
1 Not registered
2 Registered
3 Registration denied
4 Unknown
The registration status is stored in Transceiver non-volatile memory, and can
therefore be queried by the FA after powering up.
2.39 +SBDAREG Short Burst Data: Automatic Registration (new)
Set Command: +SBDAREG=<mode>
Set the Transceivers Auto-registration mode.
0 Disable automatic registration (default)
1 Set the Auto-registration mode to Automatic
2 Set the Auto-registration mode to Ask
When auto-registration is enabled, mode 1 or 2, the Transceiver monitors its
current location and triggers an auto-registration when it determines that the
Transceiver has moved sufficiently far away from its last registered location. Note