User Guide

Iridium Communications Inc. Information Contained in this Guide
9602 SBD Transceiver Product Developers Guide is Subject to Change Without Notice
Revision 1.2 (DRAFT 2)
Iridium Communications Inc. Distribution of Guide Restricted
Proprietary & Confidential Information 19 to Product Developers Only
Table 6a: 9602N Environmental Tests
Test Name Test Reference Test Description
Thermal Shock
Change of Temperature,
-25°C to +70°C,
5 cycles of 1 hour each
Humidity IEC60068-2-78:2002
Damp heat steady state
C 93% RH for 4 days
Vibration IEC60068-2-64:2008
0.96 m2/s3 from 5Hz to 20Hz
21Hz to 500Hz dropping 6dB per octave
Vibration SAE J1455: 2012 Section 4.10
10-40Hz at 0.02g
40-500Hz dropping 6dB per octave
Shock EN60068-2-27:2009
10G peak shock over a period of 11ms, 3
shocks in 3 perpendicular orientations
SAE J1455: 2012 Section 4.11
Society of Automotive Engineers
Drop 1m onto concrete in 3 perpendicular
orientations (3 drops)
2.4 Physical Interface Connectors
The Iridium 9602/9602N SBD Transceiver incorporates three connectors:
A multiway user connector
An RF antenna connector
A GPS RF pass-through connector
The physical characteristics of the connectors and their electrical interfaces are described in more detail
in Sections 3.1.1 and 4.1 respectively.
3 Electrical Interfaces
The following subsections contain information for the electrical interfaces of the 9602/9602N SBD
Transceiver for the non-RF connections. The RF interfaces are covered in section 0.
3.1 User Connector
The user connector provides the following connections to the 9602/9602N module:
DC power supply input
Power on/off control
Serial data interface
Network available output
Supply power indicator output