Operation Manual

Chapter 8 – Image Compression
Color mode of output images
You can either choose to maintain the color mode of scans or save
scans in black-and-white.
When you have chosen to maintain the color mode of scans while
generating PDF documents, color and grayscale graphics will be saved
in the JPEG format by default.
Bitonal images (black-and-white) are saved in the TIFF format with
Group 4 compression.
Resolution of output images
The resolution used to scan images does not necessarily have to be
the output resolution of the images. You can store images in
resolutions of 75, 100, 150 and 200 dpi or keep their original
Note, however, that reducing the resolution of grayscale and color
images is a processor-heavy task. When generating color-grayscale
images, reducing the resolution is not recommended.
Compression of output images
Use the slider to determine the compression factor of JPEG images.