Operation Manual

Server 9.5 – User Guide
After recognition, IRISDocument by default generates an XML
index file, containing detailed information on the scanned
documents, including the recognized text.
To access the XML indexing options, open the Batch Output
section and click the XML Indexing tab.
When you are using Watched Folders for the first time, refer to the
section The Watched Folders module.
Note: do not confuse the generation of an XML index file with the
generation of XML output.
The information in the XML file is used to export your processed
documents to other applications. For more information see the section
Export features.
Other OCR statistics
Next to an XML index file, IRISDocument automatically generates
a log file and an OCR confidence file after document processing.
These files are located in the output folder of IRISDocument.
The log file lists all OCR parameters determined in IRISDocument.