Operation Manual

Chapter 12 – Document Naming
o When you are processing multiple image folders each
containing image files that belong together, select the
naming option Use name of image folder. Your output
documents will be named ImageFolder0, ImageFolder1 for
o You can also use the content of a specific barcode in your
document as document name. Select the option Use
content of barcode and indicate which barcode in the
document must be used as document name.
o Or you can use the content of the barcodes on the first page
as document name. Select the option Use content of first-
page barcodes and indicate at which barcode
IRISDocument must start.
o The first sentence of the recognized text can also be used
as naming option.
o When generating PDF and PDF-iHQC output files at the
same time, or XPS and XPS-iHQC output files at the same
time, a suffix is added to the document name by default:
e.g. document.ihqc.pdf. This way a clear distinction is
made between regular PDF and XPS documents and their
iHQC-compressed counterparts. This suffix can be
changed to your liking.
Note: when you are only generating PDF-iHQC output
files, and no 'regular' PDF files, no suffix is added to the
files. The same goes for XPS-iHQC files.