Operation Manual

Server 9.5 – User Guide
Include graphics includes the graphics in autoformatted files.
This is essential to create a true copy of a document.
Use the graphics options of the Image Compression section to
determine the color mode and resolution of the graphics stored inside
the output files.
Use the image enhancement options of the Processing section to
improve the image quality and reduce the file size.
Retain colors of text maintains the original colors of the text
across the recognition.
Retain colors of background maintains the spot colors of the
page background across the recognition.
A uniform background color - if there is one in the source document -
is created per paragraph in the output file.
This option also recreates inverted drop letters.
The option Add image as page background offers a more drastic,
less compact alternative, as illustrated above.
Retaining the colors of the background implies that the colors of the
text are maintained simultaneously.
When you recognize tables and save the document as a
SpreadsheetML worksheet, this option maintains the background color
of each cell.